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“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed”

Maya Angelou

Meisie Mcgregor
Remind me again.

what is it?

The Sponsor a Child project is aimed at supporting children from poor families in rural areas by ensuring that they have access to quality education and providing them with a food hamper each month. Additionally, an income is also generated for a member of the community who assists with the administration of the project.
With a monthly donation of  R350 (around 27USD) a child will receive:
1. Health: a food hamper for each month consisting of well-balanced and nutritious food items such as fruits and veggies.
2. Education: school fees in order to assist in paying for the child’s education.
3. Job Creation: funding to employ a person from the community to ensure the project runs smoothly and the children’s needs are met accordingly.
Remind me again.

what is it?

The Sponsor a Child project is aimed at supporting children from poor families in rural areas by ensuring that they have access to quality education and providing them with a food hamper each month. Additionally, an income is also generated for a member of the community who assists with the administration of the project.
With a monthly donation of  R350 (around 27USD) a child will receive:
1. Health: a food hamper for each month consisting of well-balanced and nutritious food items such as fruits and veggies.
2. Education: school fees in order to assist in paying for the child’s education.
3. Job Creation: funding to employ a person from the community to ensure the project runs smoothly and the children’s needs are met accordingly.
Seun met pakkie 1
explain please.

How does it work?

Every month Rural Reach distributes a healthy food hamper to a specific child. The sponsored kids have been identified as “children in need” by the school and caretakers in their respective communities. Currently, around 100 primary school children are sponsored in two separate communities. 

The food hampers are packed by a local store and are either collected by the parents, sent home with the children from school, or delivered to their home. The food hampers consist of basic essential items like flour, eggs, maize porridge, fruits, and vegetables, etc. Occasionally we also add other non-food items like toothpaste and soap. Since the food hamper is focused on addressing the needs of the child, non-essential items like coffee and sugar are excluded.  

Rural Reach also employs a representative in each community who is tasked with ensuring the food hamper is delivered to the family of the child. Being the eyes and ears on behalf of Rural Reach, they make sure the child is benefiting from the hamper as well as communicating any and all problems to Rural Reach. 

Additionally, Rural Reach makes a donation to the sponsored child’s school each month.  This is to make sure that the school can give the children the quality education they deserve. Even though the school has the freedom to use the funds as they see fit, they are required to regularly provide Rural Reach with a report on how the donations were spent. 

Rural Reach asks ZAR 350 each month to sponsor a child. R180 (51.4%) goes towards the food hampers each month. R80 (22.9%) gets donated to the school each month. The local representative gets paid R50 (14.3%) per child each month and Rural Reach gets R40 (11.4%) each month which covers expenses such as petrol to get to the rural communities etc. 

explain please.

How does it work?

Every month Rural Reach distributes a healthy food hamper to a specific child. The sponsored kids have been identified as “children in need” by the school and caretakers in their respective communities. Currently, around 100 primary school children are sponsored in two separate communities. 

The food hampers are packed by a local store and are either collected by the parents, sent home with the children from school, or delivered to their home. The food hampers consist of basic essential items like flour, eggs, maize porridge, fruits, and vegetables, etc. Occasionally we also add other non-food items like toothpaste and soap. Since the food hamper is focused on addressing the needs of the child, non-essential items like coffee and sugar are excluded.  

Rural Reach also employs a representative in each community who is tasked with ensuring the food hamper is delivered to the family of the child. Being the eyes and ears on behalf of Rural Reach, they make sure the child is benefiting from the hamper as well as communicating any and all problems to Rural Reach. 

Additionally, Rural Reach makes a donation to the sponsored child’s school each month.  This is to make sure that the school can give the children the quality education they deserve. Even though the school has the freedom to use the funds as they see fit, they are required to regularly provide Rural Reach with a report on how the donations were spent. 

Rural Reach asks ZAR 350 each month to sponsor a child. R180 (51.4%) goes towards the food hampers each month. R80 (22.9%) gets donated to the school each month. The local representative gets paid R50 (14.3%) per child each month and Rural Reach gets R40 (11.4%) each month which covers expenses such as petrol to get to the rural communities etc. 

Kinders met Kos
give me the specifics.

Where and who?

Rural Reach is currently sponsoring around 80 children in two different communities. The two communities are McGregor and Klaasvoogds in South Africa.  Around 50 children are sponsored in McGregor and 28 children are sponsored in Klaasvoogds. These numbers change each month depending on the amount of donations we receive and the ever-changing home situations of the children.

Rural Reach also employs a local representative in each community. They themselves live in the community and have a strong connection with all the sponsored children. Rebecca is at McGregor, and Gertruida is at Klaasvoogds. They are both amazing people who have a genuine love for the children and the community. We are so happy to have them be part of Rural Reach. 


give me the specifics.

Where and who?

Rural Reach is currently sponsoring around 80 children in two different communities. The two communities are McGregor and Klaasvoogds in South Africa.  Around 50 children are sponsored in McGregor and 28 children are sponsored in Klaasvoogds. These numbers change each month depending on the amount of donations we receive and the ever-changing home situations of the children.

Rural Reach also employs a local representative in each community. They themselves live in the community and have a strong connection with all the sponsored children. Rebecca is at McGregor, and Gertruida is at Klaasvoogds. They are both amazing people who have a genuine love for the children and the community. We are so happy to have them be part of Rural Reach. 





Rebecca Rep Foto




Rebecca Rep Foto

Sponsor a Child timeline


The project started in Lepelsfontein and the first 3 kids were sponsored. Each month the kids were rotated in order for all the families to benefit from the project. 


Slowly but surely the project grew until we could sponsor up to 11 kids per month which meant more families could receive a hamper each month.


In July we were finally able to sponsor all 22 kids of Lepelsfontein Primary school each month.


Two new schools (Buffelskloof and Klaasvoogds) are added to the project and a total of 85 kids are sponsored each month.


More and more children are added to the project and by September we are sponsoring 109 kids.
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